How whould you structure viewing/editing entities?
-single screen with fields made editable only after you press a button
-different screens
-one screen with 2 tabs for viewing and editing
-special frame that you import inside the screen
what is the best practice way
thank you
(Maxim Gorbunkov)
can you please clarify the question? What do you mean by “structure” here?
I actually mean “design” the screens for the best user experience.
(Maxim Gorbunkov)
In our projects we don’t usually create separate screens just for viewing an entity.
Take a look at this topic, it seems that there is a similar question there with some solutions: https://www.cuba-platform.com/discuss/t/support-for-browse-showdetail-edit-ui-page-pattern
(Vladislav Minaev)
Hi, read-only mode for editors will be supported in upcoming release 7.2:
(Ken Geis)
Here is the current link to the topic Max mentioned: