Duplicated generation scripts


Cuba Studio (version 6.10.3 but it happened to me also in older versions) duplicates the generation script for a table change. I use MySQL 5.7 as backend database.

The script content is the same in all the files.


Could you please try to check if this problem still reproduced in the latest Studio version? You can download it here.
CUBA Studio supports projects based on CUBA 6.10+ and 7.0. You can open your existing projects created in a previous version of Studio and import them into the new Studio.


I was referring to the Cuba tool version. It is 6.10.3 and it is the latest according to the download page.

The version platform of this project is 6.10.8.

The latest release of Studio is v.8.2 released March 19, 2019. The problem of duplicated generation scrips was fixed in this release, this Studio version supports projects based on CUBA 6.10+ and 7.0

Iā€™m sorry, I thought Studio v8.2 was only for new 7.0 projects, so I will try it.

thanks !

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