Display Date in @NamePattern

Hi once again,

what i would like to do is, that i have a Entity “order”, that has a attribute of type Date “orderDate”. In the @NamePattern Annotation i would like to render the attribute “orderDate”. Thats what i did:

@Table(name = "TEST_ORDER")
@Entity(name = "test$Order")
public class Order extends StandardEntity

that it creates the default toString representation of it (“Wed Jun 17 00:00:00 CEST 2015”). What i would like to achieve is, that it takes the configured “dateFormat” into account, that it prints like this: “17.06.2015”

I tried to, instead of using “%s”, use a method like this: “@NamePattern(”#getFormattedOrderDate|orderDate"). To not reinvent the wheel, i looked at “com.haulmont.cuba.gui.components.formatters.DateFormatter” to get the implementation. The problem with this is, that this class is in the “GUI” module, whereas the Entity is in the global module. Since there is no dependency in this direction, there seems to be no way to use this class to get the thing done.

What i would like to know is, if there is a standard way of doing it (perhaps even without using a custom method at all), and if not, how would deal with this cyclomatic dependecy thing.


Hi Mario,

The @NamePattern annotation can contain any format string suitable for String.format() method, so the following value should do the trick:


But it looks ugly and doesn’t take into account the user locale. So I would prefer formatting in a method.

The standard way of formatting values on all tiers is through the Datatypes mechanism.

In your entity method, you can use the date datatype directly as shown in the doc:

String dateStr = Datatypes.get(Date.class).format(date, AppBeans.get(UserSessionSource.class).getLocale());

Or use the DatatypeFormatter bean which is more convenient:

String dateStr = AppBeans.get(DatatypeFormatter.class).formatDate(date);

DateFormatter in the GUI module is aimed to be used in visual components.


thank you for your quick response. “DatatypeFormatter” was exactly was i was searching for. I wasn’t aware of the Datatypes section in the docs - thx.
