Instead of the empty default application start page it would be great to have the application menu entries as tiles (see attached screenshot). This is more intuitive for most users.
Each application menu entry already has a caption, icon (font-awsome is scalable), description that could be displayed on the start page. If a hierarchical application menu is configured the tiles could have many levels that the user can click though. Or even make it configurable for each entry if it should be also displayed as tile.
P.S: I know its possible to customize the main window by my own, but maybe it would be a cool product feature
Thanks for the idea. We are now working on “screen templates” feature in Studio, so this main window layout can be one of predefined templates.
It looks really nice for a one-level menu, but could you elaborate on how do you see it for a multi-level menu? Completely replace the list of tiles, provide a bread-crumbs panel?
I think the tiles on the main screen should represent only one menu level. If a tile is a submenu (instead of a page) and this tile is clicked all subtiles are displayed (completely replace the list of previous displayed tiles).
A bread-crumbs panel would help to navigate back the hierarchy.
Another idea would be, in case of large application, these tiles can be used to call the mainMenu of a module screen like what I shared in my post here:
If we have a default template for this type of menu with tiles (STUDIO-2598 in version 6.4) that will be of great use.