Currently in CUBA you can create a custom visual Component wrapping Javascript/GWT/Vaadin add-on. But you cannot simply create one through composition of existing built-in Component.
We developped a workaround, but having such a feature natively in CUBA would be a great addition in my eyes.
For instance when you display a price, you always display a currency. In read-only mode this is the combination of a text field for price and a label for the currency. In edit mode, this is the combination of two text fields for price and currency, each one bound to an entity property.
The use case I would add is a date range. I want a start and end date to appear together on a form with a single label.
I could imagine this being implemented as a component that binds to an embedded object which contains the individual properties (e.g. amount/current, start/end).
In fact there a whole bunch of use cases : anytime you want to fit more than one property in one line of a FieldGroup : date range, Price & Amount witch currency besides, Percentage or any scientific units besides, Title (“Mr”) + Name (“Jack”) on the same line, etc…
With entities having several dozens of attributes, saving space in form is a point.