Default Values addon


I created a new application component: default-values.

It allows you configure default values for entities at runtime. Default Values can be static values, as well as session attributes or calculated by dynamic attributes / scripts.

If you have any feedback / improvement ideas feel free to answer here in the channel.

Fetch it from here:

Here’s the information from the README:

CUBA Component - Default Values

This application component lets you configure default values for entities at runtime.

Supported DBMS

The following databases are supported by this application component:

  • PostgreSQL
  • MySQL

All other DMBS systems are also possible to work with by the fact that CUBA studio generates the corresponding init / update scripts within the application.

Using the application component

Example usage

To see this application component in action, check out this example: cuba-example-using-default-values.
It contains all examples of all the screenshots.

Creation of Entities with configured Default Values

Default Value Configuration

Default Values can be configured for entities via Administration > Entity Default Values. It contains a list
of all Entities that are registered in the application.

Selecting one Entity opens the Details screen that shows the all attributes of the entity that fulfill this criteria:

  • attribute is persistent
  • attribute is not annotated with @SystemLevel or are part of System level Interfaces (like createTs e.g.)
  • attribute is not a 1:N or M:N association

Default Value Types

There are multiple types of default values that can be configured for an entity attribute.

Static Value

A static value is used when a globally pre-configured value should be used for an entity attribute as the default value.


  • always set customer type to REGULAR
  • always set the Group association of a User to Employees Group

Dynamic Value

Dynamic values compared to static values are evaluated at the time when the instance is created. Those values are dependent
on the environment.


  • current date for the attribute orderDate of an order
  • current user for a association from a customer to the User via the attribute accountManager
  • locale of the current user for an attribute with a locale type

There are different dynamic value options for different datatypes. The application component itself defines the following
dynamic value options:

  • User
    • current user
    • current / substituted user
  • Date
    • Today
  • LocalDate
    • Yesterday
    • Today
    • Tomorrow

In case the datatype of the entity attribute has no options for dynamic values, it is not possible to select this option.

Custom Dynamic Values

It is also possible to create application specific dynamic value options. The application component defines an interface
that has to be implemented by a custom dynamic value.

The new dynamic value option needs to be a Spring bean in the global module of the application.

An example can be found in the example application: CustomerTypeFavoriteValueProvider


import de.diedavids.cuba.defaultvalues.dynamicvalue.DynamicValueProvider;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

public class CustomerTypeFavoriteValueProvider implements DynamicValueProvider<CustomerType> {

    public String getCode() {
        return "customerTypeFavorite";

    public Class<CustomerType> getReturnType() {
        return CustomerType.class;

    public CustomerType get() {
        return CustomerType.favorite();

The interface requires the following methods to be implemented:

  • getCode - return a unique code / name of this dynamic value provider
  • getReturnType - the type that this dynamic value is applicable for
  • get - execution of the logic to return the default value

Additionally a translation value has be set in the main message pack of the web module:

dynamicValueProvider.customerTypeFavorite = Favorite Customer Type
  • dynamicValueProvider. - prefix for translation of dynamic value providers
  • customerTypeFavorite - the code of the dynamic value provider

With that, the dynamic value appears in the default value configuration UI and can be selected for all entity
attributes that have the datatype CustomerType.

Session Attribute

A session attribute can also be placed into a entity attribute as a default value.


  • Preferred City for a new Customer based on the Access group the current user is in
  • Default Group for a new User defined by the current local admin in multi tenant application

Session attributes are a good option, if user specific options should be leveraged when assigning a default value.

The session attribute concept of CUBA integrates the whole user group hierarchy into the value that is placed
into the session.

More information on session attributes can be found in the CUBA docs: Session attributes.

NOTE: in the configuration UI the datatypes of the session attributes are not checked against the datatype
of the entity attribute. If the datatypes do not match, the value will not be bound.

Another usage of a session attribute based default value is when a session attribute is programmatically assigned before
the new entity is created.

For example it is possible to use this variant if a user globally for its current
user session (until next logout) defines that (s)he now works on the asian area of the business. This would e.g.
set the default country to China in the session. With a configured session attribute default value
for a new customers country is now China.


The last option is a script based default value. This option allows to define a groovy script, that programmatically
determines the default value at the time when a new entity instance is created.

This option gives the most flexibility of all options and with a script all above mentioned options can also
be achieved.

That being said, it requires the ability to write code in order to leverage that possibility.

The following attribute are available in the script:

  • dataManager - DataManager instance for Database access from CUBA (
  • beanLocator - Provides access to all managed beans from CUBA (
  • timeSource - Global time source interface from CUBA (

NOTE: The return type has to match the datatype of the entity attribute.
If no value is returned, the Groovy evaluator will treat that execution as false