DataGrid setPressEnterAction Behavior

Hello, Everyone.

I’m very much enjoying the DataGrid component, but I’m having trouble defining a specific behavior. Is there any way I can change it such that when the enter button is pushed the cursor moves to the next column, and if the enter button is pushed when the cursor is on the last column of the table, it selects the next row for editing and returns the cursor to the first editable row? This is specifically when using the in-line editor.


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Unfortunately, there is no ability to override EnterPress action inside DataGrid Editor (only for DataGrid itself, but that action serves another goal). The most suitable for you can be the unbuffered mode for DataGrid Editor. In this mode, Editor behaves mostly like spreadsheet editor:

  • The Tab key navigates to the next column or to the first column of the next row if there are no columns in the active row
  • The Enter key navigates to the same column of the next row

To set the unbuffered mode for DataGrid Editor add editorBuffered=“false” to the DatGrid configuration.


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