I am using cuba7.
Please see below snapshot of https://demo.cuba-platform.com/sampler/#main/6/sample?id=datagrid-itemclick , compares to Table, dataGrid scoll bar styles different. How to make it same to table? I am using chrome 75.0.3770.100:
some others hardly to see the scroll bar:
And below is table style:
Please advise how to make datagrid style same to table in cuba7?
Found that in resolution ratio of 2K, the scroll bar displays as below in Chrome:
In esolution ratio of 1080, it displays as below in Chrome, both different to common table style:
(Gleb Gorelov)
July 6, 2019, 5:53pm
There is no way because Table uses browser i.e. system scrollbars and DataGrid uses the custom programmatic implementation to provide additional functionality.
This is knows Vaadin issue: Vaadin Grid Scrollbar issue in High DPI Screen · Issue #7929 · vaadin/framework · GitHub