Datagrid insert button on each row

Hi guys,

How would I go about adding a button to each row of a datagrid that when clicked opens up the editor for the clicked item?

Nevermind, found it here: DataGrid - CUBA Platform. Developer’s Manual

private DataGrid<MyEntity> myEntityDataGrid;

private GroupDatasource<MyEntity, UUID> myEntityDs;

private DataManager dataManager;

private ComponentsFactory componentsFactory;

public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {

    DataGrid.Column column = myEntityDataGrid.addGeneratedColumn("scheduleButton",
            new DataGrid.ColumnGenerator<MyEntity, Component>() {
                int i = 1;
                public Component getValue(DataGrid.ColumnGeneratorEvent<MyEntity> event) {
                    Button button = componentsFactory.createComponent(Button.class);
                    button.setId("Button "+i);
                    button.setAction(new BaseAction("id") {
                        public void actionPerform(Component component) {
                            System.out.println("Button " + button.getId()+" Has Been Clicked");
                    return button;

                public Class<Component> getType() {
                    return Component.class;

    column.setRenderer(new WebComponentRenderer());
