dataGrid "editorEnabled" attribute is not allowed!!

I upgraded Cuba studio from 6.4.4 to 6.5 and I am trying to get the inline editing for the dataGrid component with the attribute “editorEnabled” but somehow it gives me an error saying the attribute is not allowed here.

Any Suggestions?



Your project must be based on the Platform 6.5.0 and above to has the ability to use DataGrid Inline Editor. Could you please tell me which version of the platform do you use?



Hi Geleb,

I am using platform-6.5.0

Hi Gleb,

I cleaned the project and start the application server again and now it seems to work :slight_smile:
Thanks anyway!

So, I guess you’ve added the editorEnabled attribute to DataGrid and the IDE warns you that this attribute isn’t allowed? If so, go to the CUBA Studio and invoke Build -> Create or update IDEA project files and restart your IDE if it isn’t restarted automatically. Also, try to assemble your application and check if any errors will appear. If everything is assembled correctly then the reason is the old caches in your IDE.



Thank you !