Custom web font in custom theme


I created a new theme on top of the “halo” theme and everything works fine. Now I tried to import a Google font with:

@import  url(;

This import statement is inside the style.scss file:

@import "halo-defaults";
@import "";
@import "app-components";
@import "";
@import  url(;

.halo {
  // include auto-generated app components SCSS
  @include app_components;
  @include com_company_brandingtest-halo-ext;

The generated style.css file contains this import statement but is “enriched” with this:

@import url(;

Google cannot handle those parameters at the moment. Can I somehow suppress this without downloading the font locally?

Thanks in advance.



It seems, there is a bug in our SCSS build task. Unfortunately, this behaviour cannot be turn off.

There is a workaround. You can add simple post-processing step for CSS file to your build.gradle script:

configure(webModule) {
    task buildScssThemes(type: CubaWebScssThemeCreation)
    task deployThemes(type: CubaDeployThemeTask, dependsOn: buildScssThemes)
    assemble.dependsOn buildScssThemes

    // add post-processing hack
    buildScssThemes.doLast {
        def cssFile = file("$buildDir/themes-tmp/VAADIN/themes/halo/styles.css")
        def css = cssFile.text
        cssFile.text = css.replaceAll('family=Roboto.*?\\)', 'family=Roboto)')

Thank you for reporting the problem. I’ve created an issue in our bug tracker, we will try to include fix to one of the next bug fix releases.

Tried to do the same on version 6.5, but it is not working for me.


@import url(;


  buildScssThemes.doLast {
        def cssFile = file("$buildDir/themes-tmp/VAADIN/themes/halo/styles.css")
        def css = cssFile.text
        cssFile.text = css.replaceAll('family=Roboto.*?\\)', 'family=Roboto)')

File styles.css in themes-tmp… folder seems to be replaced successfully, but it does not have any effect.

But if I edit styles.css and one inside styles.css.gz archive at build\tomcat\webapps\app\VAADIN\themes\halo</b> folder, then it works.

It seems to me that styles.css should be hacked and then gzipped into the archive for it to work.




Hi, I’m having a similar problem using a “background-image” in halo-ext.scss for my custom theme.
In scss I have “background: url(images/instFee.png)” but in the compiles style sheet the output is: "background url("
The problem here is the “” prefix which causes the image to not be found…
How can this be solved?
I’m using Cuba studio/platform 6.5.1
Thank you!

— Edit—
For some reason its now working, even with the prefix… it must have been a different cause…


This prefix is just directory name, it should not lead to problems with CSS. The problem stated above is related to Google Fonts web service, not to web resources of a project.


The issue is fixed in 6.5.2. We are going to publish it next week. You can check it if you temporary switch your platform version to 6.5-SNAPSHOT. We publish -SNAPSHOT versions to collect additional feedback for Work in Progress features and give you ability to check our fixes.

:ticket: See the following issue in our bug tracker: