Current project is not a CUBA Platform project in Studio 7


I ve tried to (re)-start Cuba 7 project but I have this error:

Initial this project was made in Cuba 6 and was imported in Cuba 7.

The only way to solve this is to import again the project, choose external sources - Cuba Studio and migrate to framework 7.
The problem is that after success Run I cannot start the project (is in pending) and I have to Create a new (empty) database.
How can I import an (old Cuba 6) database and avoid to start from scratch?


First of all, project should be properly imported. As I can see, you had some problems during project importing.

What CUBA Platform version do you migrate from?
Can you reproduce the issue with login impossibility and provide you application logs from catalina.out tab in Run tab?
When you use Cuba Application Run configuration it asks you if you want to update the database. Did you seen such dialog?
You can also try to run updateDb gradle task, or Cuba -> Update Database action.