First, thanks a lot to the platform team for the French translation, which is fairly good by the way.
We plan to use progressively all CUBA components (bpm, chars, BI, etc.) so this is precious to us.
A slight request: files are encoded in ASCII, which makes accentuated chars garbled in display. Converting them to UTF8 solves that.
EDIT : especially when it is clearly stated in the documentation
(Yuriy Artamonov)
May 1, 2018, 3:18pm
Could you please clarify which files are encoded in ASCII ? We use UTF-8 only in the platform itself.
I took the content/fr translation from GitHub GitHub - cuba-platform/translations at release_6_8
EDIT : you could even precise “UTF8 no BOM” in documentation. I made the mistake of converting to UTF8 with BOM and the first line of each properties file is then ignored, which produces weird results.
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(Olga Shiryaeva)
May 3, 2018, 2:12pm
Thank you for reporting the issue, the French translation is now converted to UTF-8. Feel free to use and improve!