CUBA Studio SE: a desktop application based on Electron

For Cuba Studio SE version copy the jar file (db driver) and past into: Applications/Cuba Studio

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Got a working studio now, thx!


This is brilliant! Although still the same functionalities as the browser version, I like it’s packaged up as a stand-alone application – please continue down this path. One annoyance, which happens occasionally, is when double-clicking on a node in the project tree the tree will rapidly shift up and open the wrong entity or screen layout. Not sure if it’s related to the size of the project, or can happen with any sized project – big or small. I have around 300 entities in my current project.

Studio SE 6.8.0 has been released. Download links were published at the first topic.


Studio SE 6.8.1 is out! :tada:

Studio SE 6.8.2 is out! From now on the files will be placed on our website. Release information can be found there as well.

:fishing_pole_and_fish: Download link



We’ve just published the blog post on CUBA Studio SE development and the future of Electron.js and Java integration: Leveraging the power of web UI for desktop front-ends – Jmix


Hi Yuriy
That’s a very good blog!! I was looking for this to try my own!

I am going to try this soon! A quick question, Should I copy and paste the Gradle scripts related to electron from the sample app and manually update it for my application or there is an easy way to achieve that?

For the future evolution, I would love to have the following two features sooner than later. When can we expect them available?

  1. packaging and updates - automatically
  2. caching and offline-mode support

Another option that you may consider is option to print directly from the application (client), instead of showing.

Thanks again for bringing this amazing option in CUBA!



It is still research project and it is not an example of technology usage. It is just proof-of-concept, thus we are not planning to document this approach. If you are interested in this I’d recommend that you check Git history of the repository: Commits · cuba-labs/cuba-electron-demo · GitHub