Cuba Studio editions details


How many Cuba editions are there? I’m a little bit confused, please check that below information is correct:

I saw the standalone starts since Studio v.6.8.0 released January 31, 2018 and browser edition stops since Studio v.6.7.7 released January 18, 2018.

Both releases are web based, right?
Can I use Cuba Studio as standalone application?

The browser edition includes specific CUBA interface while standalone is integrated in Idea.

On the other hand seems the standalone edition has this two options:
You can install CUBA Studio in two different forms: as a standalone IDE for your operating system or as a plugin for existing IntelliJ IDEA.
The standalone edition can be downloaded from here:

The Idea plugin form can be downloaded from here:

When I should to use Cuba CLI? Is only another way to start (configure) a Cuba project from command line?

If you are a coder and don’t like intellJ IDEA as IDE then go with CLI. Otherwise choose the latest Studio. Or try both and choose whatever you like.

Sorry for the confusion, it’s a transition period.

For Studio 6.x Standalone Edition means Electron-based desktop app, Browser Edition means server app and UI in web-browser. Both have web-based UI and you need an external IDE.

For Studio 7+ Standalone Edition means IntelliJ IDEA Community bundled with CUBA plugin. Also, you can install the same plugin into existing IntelliJ IDEA (Community or Ultimate). All Studio functionality is in the CUBA plugin.

When I should to use Cuba CLI? Is only another way to start (configure) a Cuba project from command line?

Exactly, to start the project and have some code generation and configuration facilities. You still need an IDE capable of working with Gradle projects.

In general, I would recommend following simple recommendations from the previous comment, unless you are working with a project on CUBA 6.9 and below. The latest Studio supports only projects on CUBA 6.10 and above.

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OK, so Studio 7+ Standalone Edition is web based or not?

Thank you!

No, it’s IntelliJ IDEA plugin.

I don’t mean development environment but the exe file. I saw that is opened in a browser file (http://localhost/) so I can access it via internet, right (with a common database and multiple users)?