Hello, is the repo: https://repo.cuba-platform.com/content/groups/premium still active?
I have an old project on Cuba Platform and I need to download the com.haulmont.addon.msg:cuba-msg-global:0.5-SNAPSHOT dependency.
Was the build performed on a clean project? Or are the subsequent builds also slow?
Is there a web-toolkit module in the project?
To get more information, I recommend running a build with profiling. Detailed information about the build time can be obtained using the --profile flag.
gradlew assemble --profile
An HTML profiling report will be generated with the duration of build steps and dependency resolution.
For authentication to the premium repository and access to premium add-ons, you will need to specify your valid license key as the username and password according to the instructions.
Remote Storage Location: https://repo.cuba-platform.com/content/groups/premium
Enable Authentication, set the first part of your license key (before the dash) in the Username field and the second part of your license key (after the dash) in the Password field.
Can this license also be assigned to a developer of the enterprise plan?
Yes, the valid license key used to connect the proxy can continue to be used by the developer.