Cuba plugin on Apple Silicon


I won’t be ready to update my Cuba Application to Jmix for about another 8 months. In the meantime I’m about to update my development laptop from an Apple MacBook Pro (Intel) to a MacBook Air M2 (Apple Silicon).

I’m using the latest IntelliJ IDEA CE version (2023.2.1) and the latest Cuba plugin and platform.

Are there any compatibility issues I should be aware of running the Cuba plugin on Apple Silicon?

Also searching this forum there is a unclosed issue which may be related Error when using CUBA in IntelliJ IDEA 2021.3.1. Will this be a problem for me?

Hello @steve.perks,

I have been using IntelliJ and CUBA plugin for a very long time under Apple Silicon and I have no problems with it. The exception from the plugin did not interfere with the development of an application and has not occurred for some time now As JDK i’m using Open JDK 11 from Azul, because it’s available for Apple Silicon and it has an installer.


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Thank you for the quick reply.