CUBA Gantt chart + Tree table

A quick question. Is it possible to achieve as follows:

  1. Editable Gantt chart where the user will change the start time, duration etc.
  2. Use Tree-table withe the gantt chart
  3. Editable tree table where the user will be able to select some options in the tree table e.g. shift A, Shift B, Shift C etc.

CUBA Gantt chart does not support editing, it is just a visualization chart.

You can use editable TreeTable and Gantt chart on a screen, so you can edit data through TreeTable and Gantt chart will be updated automatically since Gantt chart tracks update events from the attached datasource.

Hi Yuriy
Is there any option in CUBA Chart that we can use to display progress i.e. a bar inside the Gantt chart bar that indicates progress?

If you can provide a little more about how a treetable and Gantt can be integrated that will be appreciated.

for now Gantt chart does not support progress indication for tasks and the only way to show progress is to use fake tasks with bullets as shown here: Using bullets on a GANTT chart – amCharts Version 3 Documentation

I have updated the datasource from editor but it is not refreshed. I have posted a new thread few seconds ago.