in this topic i asked for a particular screen for user session information: Screen to see applied session attributes for current user - CUBA.Platform
In the meantime, we created a cuba-application component that you can use. It is in preview mode currently. Before releasing it “officially” i would like to get your feedback on it. It is open source (Apache 2 license) and you can find it on github:
If you have any thoughts on that, like bugs, feature requests etc. i would love to hear from you.
I’ll just copy over the README.md so you get an impression on what it does:
CUBA Platform Component - User session information
CUBA component that shows detailed information about user sessions. The main purpose for this application component is to make the work of customer support of your software a little bit easier. Especially when you work heavily with deep levels of security groups the existing access groups screen is not capable of showing what session attributes with what values are applied for a particular user. The same goes for effective constraints in the security group. It contains the following four parts:
- User information
- Applied session attributes
- Constraints
- Permissions
Information on all current session for administration
The app components extends the Administration > User Sessions screen so that for all currently active session, the detailed session information can be retrieved.
Own session information for every user
The user has the ability to display information about its current session via Help > Current User Session.