attached you’ll find the fourth video in the series. This time it is about the full text search capabilities and how to use them as a user and as a developer:
04 - ordermanagement - search data via full text search:
Went back to this video because there was a small detail I wasn’t clear on.
When you created the Document entity, you set up a many-to-one relationship with the FileDescriptor. Why didn’t you use a one-to-one? I would have thought that you would only associate one FileDescriptor with one Document.
Trying to get the project to run, but I’m running into problems with the translations stuff. I’ve added the content module for the DE translation, which got rid of the errors I was getting that prevented the project from loading into Cuba Studio, but now the build process is having trouble picking up items from the Cuba repo (I think)
Good job. I struggled with the notion of making sections of the page visible and invisible when I first came to the platform. I think I was suffering from JSP-thinking.
Oh, and the composition error you ran into was a stroke of luck. Good that you showed the steps to solving it.
Hi Mario, first thing, Your tutorials are great! I have gone threw all of the documentation, but thanks to Yor tutorial I am finaly getting a hang of Cuba-Platforn. Thank You!
Now I am stuck on the first video (22:51). I am trying to set up a entity listener, but in Intelij i n the middlewear section I onlly see Service and Beans. Did I do something wrong, that i do not see the Entity Listeners? I am using Cuba 7.0 and it seams that in You tutorial You are using 6.x.
Could You please help me with this issue?
good to hear that you liked it. You are right, the tutorials are tailored towards CUBA 6.x with the corresponding studio version.
In CUBA 7 entity listeners are still available (and you can look it up here: Entity Listeners - CUBA Platform. Developer’s Manual. In studio you can just create a “Bean” in the middleware section and implement the corresponding interfaces manually. I think the automatic creation from studio is gone in version 7.x if I recall correctly.