Copy data from One TreeTable to Another TreeTable (non persistent datasource)

I have 2 TreeTables which uses non-persistant datasource.

TreeTable 1: (scopeTree)


Chapters (chaptersDs) - Use chapter as parent to create sub-chapters and notes.
Subchapters (chaptersDs) - Can be used as parent to create sub-chapter and notes
Notes (NotesDs) - Cannot be a parent node. Cannot create any node from Notes.


---->Chapter 1
     --------->Chapter 1
           ------------------->Notes 1
     ----->Chapter 2
           ------------->Notes 1
           ------------->Notes 2
           ------------->Chapter 1
                --------------------> Notes 1
                --------------------> Notes 2

I use non persistant datasourse WpsNode (WpsNodesDs) to display nodes in TreeTable1.

I use the following method to create chapters, subchapters and notes.


WpsNode sn = createWpsNode(null, new WpsNodeBuilder<>(Chapter.class)
                                        .build(null, chapter, MESSAGE_PACK, ParamsMap.of(
                                            "sortOrder", sortOrder.toString())), true);


Integer sortOrder = scopeTree.getSingleSelected().getChildren().size();
            createWpsNode(scopeTree.getSingleSelected(), new WpsNodeBuilder<>(Chapter.class)
                    .build(scopeTree.getSingleSelected(), subChapter, MESSAGE_PACK, ParamsMap.of( 
                    "sortOrder", sortOrder.toString())), true);


createWpsNode(scopeTree.getSingleSelected(), new WpsNodeBuilder<>(Notes.class)
.build(scopeTree.getSingleSelected(), notes, MESSAGE_PACK, null), true);

I am able to create, edit and delete nodes in a Treetable.

Now I have another TreeTable.

TreeTable 2: (defTree)


DefChapters (defChaptersDs) - Use chapter as parent to create sub-chapters and notes.
DefSubchapters (defChaptersDs) - Can be used as parent to create sub-chapter and notes
DefNotes (defNotesDs) - Cannot be a parent node. Cannot create any node from Notes.


---->DefChapter 1
     --------->DefChapter 1
           ------------------->DefNotes 1
     ----->DefChapter 2
           ------------->DefNotes 1
           ------------->DefNotes 2
           ------------->DefChapter 1
                --------------------> DefNotes 1
                --------------------> DefNotes 2

I would like to get all children and their children of DefChapter 1 in TreeTable2 and store it in TreeTable 1 by creating objects for Chapters.

I used a following method to store the selected DefChapter and all their children in an array list.

protected List<StandardEntity> createNode(WpsNode wpsNode) {
    List<StandardEntity> entitiestomove = new ArrayList<>();
    if (wpsNode != null && wpsNode.getObject() != null) {
        wpsNode.getChildren().forEach(node -> entitiestomove.addAll(createNode(node)));
    return entitiestomove;

Now I want them to be created in TreeTable 1 on the same order.

I used a following method, but it does not work well.

public void onBtnMoveChildrenClick() {

WpsNode node = scopeTree.getSingleSelected();
if(node!=null && node.getObject() instanceof Notes) {
} else {

WpsNode wpsNode = defTree.getSingleSelected();

    List<StandardEntity> entitiestomove = createNode(wpsNode);

    for(Object object : entitiestomove) {
        if(object instanceof DefChapter) {
            Chapter chapter = metadata.create(Chapter.class);
            chapter.setName(((DefChapter) object).getName());
            chapter.setSortOrder(((DefChapter) object).getSortOrder());
            Integer sortOrder = scopeTree.getSingleSelected().getChildren().size();
            createWpsNode(scopeTree.getSingleSelected(), new WpsNodeBuilder<>(Chapter.class)
                        .build(scopeTree.getSingleSelected(), chapter, MESSAGE_PACK, ParamsMap.of( "sortOrder", sortOrder.toString())), true);
else if
        (object instanceof DefNotes) {
            Notes notes= metadata.create(Notes.class);
            notes.setName(((DefGuideline) object).getName());
            notes.setSortOrder(((DefGuideline) object).getSortOrder());
            createWpsNode(scopeTree.getSingleSelected(), new WpsNodeBuilder<>(Notes.class)
                    .build(scopeTree.getSingleSelected(), notes, MESSAGE_PACK, null), true);

I am not getting the exact order. Is there any better solution to this problem. Your inputs will be helpful.