Conditionally commit and close from button

Hey Cuba Team,

This is probably really remedial, but I haven’t had to do it yet, and I can’t seem to find the solution.

I’ve got a button that, when clicked, needs to check a few things, and if conditions are good, needs to commit the entity data from a standard editor and close the window like normal. I’ve searched the forum and the documentation, but haven’t been able to figure this thing out.

It’s that simple. OnThisButtonClick, evaluate a case, if cool, commit and close. I don’t know why I haven’t been able to find this.

Thanks guys/girls,

You can add validators via the “Generate Handler” functionality.

My use case:

public void onFinalizeBtnClick(Button.ClickEvent event) {
    if (allReportingYearFieldsEntered()) {
        //commit and close
    } else {
                .withCaption("More Data Required")
                .withDescription("Please complete all fields for this reporting year prior to finalizing your entry.")

Take a look at the base class for all editor screens - StandardEditor.
It contains many methods associated with the editor life cycle.
The method you need is a StandardEditor#commitAndClose()

Thank you for the nudge in the right direction, Alex. In the StandardEditor, I found closeWithCommit() which was exactly what I was looking for.

Thanks again!,