Composition lifecycle on child editing

Hi everyone,
I would like to know best way to solve this problem, I have 3 entities:
Ticket (has 0 to many) Activities (has 0 to one) Appointment. I manage this structure with composition relationship because is helpful, but I have a User Experience problem about chain saving entities

There is a way to make persitence Appointment also if it been generated or edited from a chain of composition entities? I would like that if I create a ticket, I create an activity and I save it also ticket became saved and I’ll back in ticket browser I don’t need to save ticket(parent entity), the same for appointment

So the problem is that I not really save Appointment or Activities until I had save Ticket, and this is reflected also in report, that I get old entities if I try to pass to report getEditEntity().

for example, if I modify event opened by Activity.edit and I try to print it I obtain the old values on report, until I had saved Activity and Ticket, after that I find new values in Appointment

Map<String, Object> reportParams = new HashMap<>();
        reportParams.put("entity", getEditedEntity());
        Report report = dataManager.load(Report.class)
                .query("select r from report$Report r where r.code = 'AppointmentReport'")
        if (Objects.nonNull(report)) {
            //reportGuiManager.printReport(report, reportParams);
            ReportOutputDocument reportResult = reportGuiManager.getReportResult(report, reportParams, null);
   ByteArrayDataProvider(reportResult.getContent()), reportResult.getDocumentName());

To save the entities I use

<button id="commitAndCloseBtn" action="windowCommit"/>

because user doesn’t like to come back to previous page after save.

----> 0…* Activities
----> 0…1 Appoitment
