Component of ProcActionsFragment in BPMN

How to set the button id in ProcActionsFragment?

At the moment I am attached to the name of the button. I would like to get away from this, since the button can be renamed.

private void clickFragmentButtonHandler() {
        Component componentActionBoxButtons = procActionsFragment.getFragment().getComponent("actionsBox");
        if (componentActionBoxButtons != null) {
            VBoxLayout vBoxLayout = (VBoxLayout) componentActionBoxButtons;
            if ((vBoxLayout.getComponents().size() != 0) && (procActionsFragment.getStartProcessAction() == null)) {
                Optional<Component> optionalComponentForMove = vBoxLayout.getComponents().stream().filter(component -> {
                    Button button = (Button) component;
                    CompleteProcTaskAction action = (CompleteProcTaskAction) button.getAction();
                    return action.getOutcome().equals("button");

                if (optionalComponentForMove.isPresent()) {
                    Button choiceBtn = (Button) optionalComponentForMove.get();
                    choiceBtn.addClickListener(clickEvent -> showScreenChangeDate());