I have set cuba.automaticDatabaseUpdate=true in the production app.properties but my columns are not getting updated in the production database. Everything is working fine in the local database. I cannot connect to the production database.
Check your server logs after startup, you should be able to find entries by DbUpdaterEngine e.g:
19:21:53.092 INFO c.h.c.c.sys.dbupdate.DbUpdaterEngine - Updating database…
If there are no such entries, probably you place app.properties in a wrong place (app does not use cuba.automaticDatabaseUpdate).
If you see some errors by DbUpdaterEngine, please attach log here.
Hi @minaev,
I have checked the logs and it shows postgresql column error as such a column doesnt exist which means the colums are not getting updated in the production database when I build the project in the production server.
Hi, so the problem is with db update scripts. Either they are not deployed properly or cannot be applied to the current state of production database (for example, if you changed local database schema manually and then generated db scripts there may be some issues when applying scripts for other databases).
You have to analyze database update scripts and current state of production database in order to understand why the column noted in the error message is missing on production DB.
Hi @minaev ,
I cannot connect to the production database server directly so we build the code and generate uber jar and then we dockerize the uberjar and deploy it.