Chart legend divId

I am trying to make use of the “divId” attribute of a chart legend. I have tried using the HtmlBox container to create a specific

to use for the legend but that didn’t work. Could I get some guidance on this?

Platform v7.2


in the HtmlBox you should specify div with an id attribute:

<htmlBox htmlSanitizerEnabled="false">
        <div id="legendId" class="legend-chart"></div>

And Legend element will look like:

<charts:legend enabled="true"

In case of SerialChart legend has position: absolute, so I added the following style to show it correctly:

.legend-chart {
  position: absolute;
  width: 100px;

Finally getting back around here.

I set up the chart as you recommend. But I have an issue with a large number of legend items. I have 100+ legend items (one for each customer, it is a stacked chart showing sales by each customer). So the items overflow the legend div.

If I use the element inspector to change the height of the legend div to “100%” and “overflow: scroll”, it behaves correctly. But every time the chart is painted, those the height attribute is replaced…

I thought I could add the height to the legend div in the HTMLBox, but it doesn’t stick.


Is there a way for me to address this or is it a framework thing?

Changes in element inspector are removed after page refreshing. It seems AmCharts replaces “height” value by SVG’s “height”. In this case, we should change parent div (HtmlBox) styles, for instance:

<htmlBox htmlSanitizerEnabled="false"
         css="position: relative; overflow: auto;">
            <div id="legendId" class="legend-chart"></div>

It is working. Much appreciated.

My final code:

<htmlBox htmlSanitizerEnabled="false" width="350px" height="100%" 
css="position: relative; overflow: auto;">
<div id="legendId" class="legend-chart" ></div>


.legend-chart {
  position: absolute;