Now I’m wasing almost half a day trying to replace set a custom logo.
I’ve been reading the documentation but it does not work.
Before i waste more time, is there an easy step-by-step description about how to set the logo (login and menu)?
If there is an easy step-by-step description, could you add a button to cuba which does all these steps automatically? In other frameworks there is a path to a image file and everything works…
Thanks. Everything takes 5 min if you know how.
I’m using CUBA 6.10.
The peoblem is not to open the png in an editor and modifying it.
The problem is that it’s not deployed.
I did Ctrl-F5.
Old Logo is still in VAADIN/themes, it does not update.
My workaround for now is to add the png’s to VAADIN/themes/…/branding, but under a different name than app-icon-[menu;login].png as these will be overwritten. Also change the properties. Then it works. I’m sure it’s not how you should do it but it seems to work.