My users have asked me to indicate different types of tabs in a tabsheet with different caption colors. I can’t find a way to set the style of the caption of a tab with Java.
setStyleName() on a tab sets the style for the entire tab, not the caption.
I could change the style of ALL tab captions with CSS, but that won’t solve the problem.
public void onAfterShow(AfterShowEvent event) {
if (this.ordnum == null) {
com.vaadin.ui.TabSheet.Tab tab = findTab(this.getWindow().unwrap(com.vaadin.ui.Component.class));
if (tab != null) {
protected com.vaadin.ui.TabSheet.Tab findTab(com.vaadin.ui.Component component) {
if (component.isAttached()) {
com.vaadin.ui.Component parent = component;
while (parent != null) {
if (parent.getParent() instanceof com.vaadin.ui.TabSheet) {
return ((com.vaadin.ui.TabSheet) parent.getParent()).getTab(parent);
parent = parent.getParent();
return null;
I copied the findTab() routine from the Cuba’s It is protected, so I couldn’t call it directly.
To do this, I had to unwrap the Vaadin tab component from the Cuba component. There is a setStyleName method on the Vaadin tab that does what I want, but that method is not accessible from Cuba. Finding the Vaadin tab component was a bit difficult, it turns out.
The result:
I think this might be a good enhancement candidate. Give us access to style the caption, please?
Unfortunately, the platform does not have public methods for getting a tab from the main tabsheet. Therefore, your method is a good workaround to solve this problem.
But if you add a TabSheet component inside any screen, then you can set styles to the TabSheet component and any Tab. There are two ways:
It can’t be done in the XML because it is dependent on the value (only for New Orders).
I did try your Java approach originally, but I found that the style got placed on the contents of the tab and not on the caption. However, I will try again because your solution is much simpler than mine.
In your solution, “tab-style” is the second part of the CSS and appended to the class of the caption, right? In my case, if I call
first of all, thanks for the advice, i am stumbling over a similar task: I want to have the capation of a Tab shown bold under given conditions. I thought of setting the StyleName in my Controller, whenever the condition is met.
My issue is, that the HTML table cell “<td … >” gets the selector set (Perfect!!), but the font weight is set by the “<div class=“v-capation”…>” selector.
Since div is the more inner object, it will override the font-weight style i set on the table cell td.