Hi ,
What Cuba provide really impressed me and I tried to study how to use it. While unfortunately, I couldn’t create a project successfully even run a sample demo .
I can not see the samples list when I open Cuba studio .
Information it shows to me is :
Unable to read the list of samples: java.lang.RuntimeException: github samples not found in ‘http://files.cuba-platform.com/cuba/studio/studio-config.json’
As following Pict showing:
I tried to google for solutions but cannot find suitable answers
It seems that the server is in Cuba side. How can we control the storage and security of it ? Can we custom ourselves alone.
Maybe you have an unstable connection to our repo.cuba-platform.com repository server (it’s located in Europe). Try to switch to the Bintray repo - theoretically it is better accessible worldwide. See Configuring Access to Repository.
Ok, I will try again . BTW,I see the quick start video , must I load resource from repo. cuba-platform.com everytime I create a project or restart the project I have created before ?