Can not dynamically set tabsheet sheet caption

setting a tab sheet caption from code doesnt seem to be working. I tried both in the beforeShowEvent and AfterShowEvent. Nnote that Im using a fragment but I don’t expect this to be an issue, with a debugger I can see the code being executed.

    private VBoxLayout myTab;

    @Subscribe(target = Target.PARENT_CONTROLLER)
    private void onAfterShowHost(Screen.AfterShowEvent event) {
        myTab.setCaption("Some caption");

    @Subscribe(target = Target.PARENT_CONTROLLER)
    private void onBeforeShowHost(Screen.BeforeShowEvent event) {
        myTab.setCaption("does this work?");


Pay attention that you inject VBoxLayout component which represents tab layout.
You need to inject the TabSheet component instead of VBoxLayout component and reach the Tab component using TabSheet methods.

    private com.haulmont.cuba.gui.components.TabSheet TabSheet;

    public void onBeforeShow(BeforeShowEvent event) {


Aha, I see. I had the tab injected through the gui editor “inject to component controller” so assumed it was correct.

thanks for the solution.