Hi everyone,
I’ve built Cuba platform from source as described in git page : GitHub - cuba-platform/cuba: CUBA Platform is a high level framework for enterprise applications development
After building the project with changed Cuba version ex: ext.cubaVersion = ‘6.7-SNAPSHOT’
the project does not open in Cuba studio, I get an error shown in attached file.
I assume Cuba studio is checking it’s repository for artifacts of new version that I’ve specified and throwing this error, even though the new version artifact is present in my local maven repository (and I’ve added mavenLocal() to gradle build file).
So the question is how do I open the project built with snapshot version of Cuba in Cuba studio?
Excerpt from build file:
buildscript {
//ext.cubaVersion = '6.6.1'
ext.cubaVersion = '6.7-SNAPSHOT'
ext.cubaVersion = rootProject.hasProperty('buildVersion') ? rootProject['buildVersion'] : cubaVersion
println("CUBA Platform Version ${ext.cubaVersion}")
repositories {
maven {
credentials {
username System.getenv('HAULMONT_REPOSITORY_USER') ?: 'cuba'
password System.getenv('HAULMONT_REPOSITORY_PASSWORD') ?: 'cuba123'
url System.getenv('HAULMONT_REPOSITORY_URL') ?: 'https://repo.cuba-platform.com/content/groups/work'
dependencies {
classpath group: 'com.haulmont.gradle', name: 'cuba-plugin', version: cubaVersion