Build failed - after creating Polymer UI


I am trying to use Polymer UI for the first time. I tried to run the project after creating polymer module and I am getting following errors. I already have git installed and working.

bower iron-flex-layout#~1.3.0                   validate 1.3.2 against
bower cuba-login#^0.2.0                          ECMDERR Failed to execute "git ls-remote --tags --heads          login.git", exit code of #128 fatal: unable to access '': Unknown SSL protocol error in connection to

Additional error details:
fatal: unable to access '': Unknown SSL protocol error in connection to
:app-polymer-client:installBowerPackages FAILED

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':app-polymer-client:installBowerPackages'.
> Process 'command 'E:\Java\cubaPlatform\mentalmodels\modules\polymer-client\.gradle\nodejs\node-v6.9.1-windows-x86\bin\node.exe''    finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.


Let me know how to fix this issue.


Hi Asif,

What version of git do you have installed? git --version

Also, please try to execute the following command in the command line:

git ls-remote --tags --heads GitHub - cuba-elements/cuba-login

I had the same issue. I did not have GIT installed on that machine. I can’t remember if there is any message in Studio that list GIT as a dependency prior to adding the Polymer Module.


Git version info

git --version
git version

Executed command result

git ls-remote --tags --heads  
34686010b1e154b8b7e644275fd8647e3eb37ce9        refs/heads/master
55a65b79153786f5606b2f6a27c7a9843cfaf129        refs/tags/v0.0.1
c8fd6331a4984bc990f5da52fc0e905bdb0241b5        refs/tags/v0.0.2
97c459475ea7e243c72f9c2fbf9dff1a04106b81        refs/tags/v0.0.2^{}
e12e7b76e31ba0976b29588ada5287d8f8cf41fd        refs/tags/v0.0.3
cdd2a5de48f3937281825bfc5a1259e312bf220c        refs/tags/v0.0.3^{}
20f06fc3b3a253e9e93186ea3a0907043249efdc        refs/tags/v0.1.0
34686010b1e154b8b7e644275fd8647e3eb37ce9        refs/tags/v0.2.0

I face same issues with while running GitHub - cuba-platform/sample-portal: Example of a portal implemented using AngularJS. I created a different project; created required data models, Generic GUI and later polymer client module. Faced same issues while downloading dependencies by running the application server.



I just updated the git version to git version and the issue of build failed got resolved.

Thanks for help.

Hi Asif,

Thanks for letting us know. Such issues are usually hard to reproduce.