BUG - DbUpdaterUtil : dbType mysql not recognized and option dbDriver not red


I 'm trying to use the tool Initializing and Updating Database from Command Line - CUBA Platform. Developer’s Manual with mysql but it failed.

after cheking cuba/DbUpdaterUtil.java at master · cuba-platform/cuba · GitHub I saw 2 potential problems that let it impossible.

  • -dbType=xxx works only for oracle, postgres and mssql
  • -dbDriver option seems not to be added to cliOptions like other options
    probably missing something like
    cliOptions.addOption(dbDriverClassOption); near line 130

and error message line 182
log.error("Unable to determine driver class name by DBMS type. Please provide driverClassName option");
should probably refer to “dbDriver” instead of driverClassName



Thank you for reporting the problem. We have created an issue: Console DB updater doesn't support MySQL database · Issue #2708 · cuba-platform/cuba · GitHub