Hi ,
Cuba Studio 6.5.4 don’t generate Polymer ui .
I have the message:
throw er; // Unhandled ‘error’ event
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'C:\Users\rien\studio-projects\sample-portal\modules\polymer-client\bower_components\cuba-ui\cuba-entity-list-view-behavior.html’
at Error (native)
:app-polymer-client:assemble FAILED
Thanks for your response.
I resolve the Bug by adding 2 dependencies in the bower.json file
( “cuba-ui”: “cuba-elements/cuba-ui#^0.1.0”,
“cuba-file-field”: “cuba-elements/cuba-file-field#^0.1.0”,)
Yes, you need to add these dependencies manually if Polymer client was generated via Studio 6.4 as pointed here: CUBA Platform and Studio Release Notes . Also please check other recommendations.