Quick question for the Cuba gurus…
Does a browse screen load delegate affect the browse filter results? I only ask because I’ve got a screen that loads the browse screen based off of certain criteria, and after doing so, the filters don’t seem to work. I’ll look into it more in-depth, but just wanted to know if this is a known issue.
The controller code:
public void onInit(InitEvent event) {
for (String role : userSession.getRoles()) {
if (role.equals("viewAllErrors")) {
canSeeAll = true;
@Install(to = "errorLogsDl", target = Target.DATA_LOADER)
private List<ErrorLog> errorLogsDlLoadDelegate(LoadContext<ErrorLog> loadContext) {
if (canSeeAll) {
return dataManager.load(ErrorLog.class)
.query("select e from hermes_ErrorLog e order by e.dateOfError desc")
} else {
return dataManager.load(ErrorLog.class)
.query("select e from hermes_ErrorLog e where e.whoMade = :whoMade or e.createdBy = :createdBy order by e.dateOfError desc")
.parameter("whoMade", userSession.getCurrentOrSubstitutedUser())
.parameter("createdBy", userSession.getCurrentOrSubstitutedUser().getLogin())
Filtering by an Enum (Yes/No) field on the browse screen doesn’t seem to work. I’ll keep working on it, but if it’s a known issue, it would help me to stop looking for the problem.
It should be noted that I was logged in as a Substituted User while doing do, as my user would not show any results.