My editor screens are open with OpenType.THIS_TAB, with breadcrumbs. When I make a commit through “Save and Exit” or “Save” and “Cancel” right after, editor item in previous browse screen will refresh correctly. But if I do commit through “Save” button and then go back via breadcrumb, browse screen will not refresh, and editor item will be in old state.
It seems like WindowBreadcrumbs doesn’t listen if editor was commited. When we close editor via “Cancel” button we invoke closeListener in EditAction#internalOpenEditor [:276] and our actionId will be “commit”. Then closeListener will update item in browse datasource. But if we close through breadcrumbs, actionId will be “close”, and datasource will not update item.
It maybe useful to look on EditorWindowDelegate#wrapBy [:123], where Editor checks, if he was commited once in a past.