branding image location

I tried to replace branding image by creating branding directory and copied new images. also specified location in project setting, when I run application I still see default CUBA images . Any idea where to copy application icon images?


In CUBA studio, I think you should go to Project Properties -> Edit.
Then, click on Branding -> Set logo window image
By default it is located in branding/app-icon-login.png

I did same thing. but I couldn’t find location… where is branding directory is located?

It should be there: \tomcat\webapps\app\VAADIN\themes\halo\branding

I copied new icons there but when I restarted app server icons were overridden by default CUBA icons

Please look at Changing branding in the docs. Have you tried that?

that didnt work either, I sepcified file as:

  1. studio-projects\DataMaintenance\modules\web\themes\halo\branding\my-icon-login.png
  2. set app icon as branding/my-icon-login.png

I see empty image icon

I’m sorry, the documentation seems outdated. We will fix it ASAP.
Please create a theme extension as explained here. Then you can just replace files in modules/web/themes/halo/branding with your images.