BProc User Groups management screen bug and behavior

bproc_user_group.type_ “r” or “u” determine if the group is containing users or roles.
(It can’t use both?) When you edit a group and switch from Users type to Roles, users will be deleted from the database table. Would be nice that Type selector would have onchange handler prompting confirmation to delete previous entries.

Either or usage, should be bold or highlighted, and deletion should be documented
When changing type back to Users from Roles, a role will disappear from the management edit screen, but will not be deleted in the database. When you add the same role again, it will be duplicated.

BProc 1.2.1
CUBA 7.2.19
PostgreSQL 12


User group can’t contain roles and users at the same time.

As for problems, I’ve created issues:

Thanks for pointing out the problems.

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