BProc asynchrone process start

We have cubaVersion = 7.2.18
and BProc version 1.2.1
We use Parallel Gateway in Modeller diagram,
use bprocRuntimeService.startProcessInstanceByKey() for process start.

Process indead works parallel (simultaneously), but it works synchronously (waits for finishing All parallel flows)

Question: Is it possible to start bpm process asynchronously. I mean that startProcessInstanceByKey() method should finish after finish any of parallel flow (after finish of most quick, most short flow) ?
That I need to notify requestor at once about successful starting of process (to not wait till whole process is finished)


Try setting the “Asynchronous” checkbox for the service tasks which run in parallel. Read more in flowable documentation.

It works! Thank you!
Could you please add one sentence about that to cuba bproc documentation? :slight_smile: