BPM: Sub-model

The concept of submodel (Submodels - CUBA Platform. BPM subsystem) seems to be useful but the documentation is not detail enough. Can we have a bit more info how to use it?

We’ll add an example to the documentation. But the concept is very simple: all elements from the submodel will be pasted to the main model, when the process is deployed. Did you try using it? What particular difficulties did you have?

Hi Max
Thanks for your time to add an example to the documentation, will appreciate it.
Can you shed some light where the codes of the main and sub model located in the project? I want to replicate the same process model to many workflows in order to let users have the basic model setup upfront by the application and let them modify it later if needed.

The answer is in your another topic https://www.cuba-platform.com/discuss/t/bpm-api