BPM: Business rule task

Hi, How can we fill in rules in rule task, I wasn’t able to find any example on this, should I create drl file with rules and in rule properties localize this file ?(if yes where should it be located)
Are you planning to implement Decision Task with DMN table in your BPM addon ?
I need to use rules to be able to choose based on variables in entity to which users next user task should be assigned.[eg. based on location in Order, based on Price in Order, … ], if this cant be implemented in current BPM addon itself, which component would fit this best to implement my own “decision class” where I would call DMN engine processor [flowable] and get output from my DMN tables.
Thank you for any suggestions.



Unfortunately, at the moment BPM addon doesn’t have any specific integration with rule engines. We have plans to add this integration and probably provide a UI for editing rules table, but I’m not sure when this will be done.

The most straightforward solution now, I think, is to use the regular service task that invokes some middleware bean method. Inside the bean method you can directly invoke any rule engine and save the rule result.

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Thank you Max for your clear answer. So I will use service task as you suggested, while this feature won’t appear on changelog :).
Have a great day.