BPM - Building Custom Forms

Hi CUBA Team,

I attended the recent BPM training course and was curious about one element that wasn’t talked about much. In the core Activiti framework, they seem to make it very easy to build custom forms for User Tasks that do not rely on necessarily compiling new code – I can just extend a User Task with a list of properties and their data types for simple forms or create a template with *.form and use that.

CUBA appears to allow me to create my own forms by using the ProcForm interface, but it requires me to compile these forms into my project in order to use them, am I correct? If so, does CUBA plan on supporting more dynamic form generation in the future and is it possible to extend BPM to do this sort of thing ourselves?


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Hi Ryan,
You’re right, at the moment, forms in the app must be precompiled. We are definitely going to add a support of some kind of dynamically generated forms. We just haven’t decided yet how it should look like.
A list of forms that can be selected from the modeler is returned by the com.haulmont.bpm.gui.app.ProcessFormRepository bean. So, I think, you can try to override this bean in your app to make it return your dynamic forms as well. And these dynamic forms may be configured by you in advance somewhere in the CUBA app.