I am trying to insert an image in the backgroud for the application but its not happening.
Backgroud color is changing but if I am trying to put an Backgroud image its not happening.
Is the below line correct?
$v-background-image: url("C:/Users/pumaadmin/studio-projects/jishnu_cuba/modules/web/themes/halo/com.company.jishnucuba/1.PNG");
Any suggestions for the same?
My code is :-halo-ext-defaults.scss
$v-background-color: #F9F6F6; /* component background colour */
$v-app-background-color: #BFDFEA; /* application background colour */
$v-panel-background-color: #867A7A; /* panel background colour */
$v-focus-color: #3b5998; /* focused element colour */
$v-error-indicator-color: #ed473b; /* empty required fields colour */
$v-background-image: url("C:/Users/pumaadmin/studio-projects/jishnu_cuba/modules/web/themes/halo/com.company.jishnucuba/1.PNG");