Automatically set Chart theme depending on selected App Theme

For example i have the original hover theme and the hover-dark theme. I have also added several pie charts to a screen with the default “LIGHT” theme. When i switch the app theme from to hover to hover-dark, i want the pie chart theme to switch to “DARK”. Any idea how i can accomplish this. I have already tried accessing the webConfig.AppWindowTheme to detect the current theme but it doesn’t seem to work.


webConfig.AppWindowTheme returns the default theme defined in the web-app.propertiesfile.

If you “physically” have two themes helium and helium-dark then you need to use the UserSettingsTools bean:

protected UserSettingsTools userSettingsTools;

public void onInit(InitEvent event) {
    String userAppTheme = userSettingsTools.loadAppWindowTheme();

If you have different color presets for the helium theme, then you need to use the HeliumThemeVariantsManager bean and obtain current color mode:

private HeliumThemeVariantsManager heliumThemeVariantsManager;

public void onInit(InitEvent event) {
    String userAppThemeMode = heliumThemeVariantsManager.getUserAppThemeMode();


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Thanks Gleb, that’s exactly what i needed. :+1: