Authorization - specific action

Is possible we can manage user authorization for specific button action in CUBA? For example, running a calculation through a button action?

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At first, it is possible to manage access rights to specific UI - component.
Required grants may be given to security role. To do this:

  1. Log in with an Administator account and open ā€œAdministration->Rolesā€ screen
  2. Create a new role
  3. In the role-editor open the ā€˜UIā€™ tab
  4. There you can add required componet to list:
    a. choose ā€œScreenā€ from a dropbox and
    b. specify the Component: use ā€˜idā€™ of the component (you can find it in the component properties in the Studio)
  5. After that you can specify Permisions: ā€œread-onlyā€, ā€œhideā€ or ā€œeditā€

Then just assign the role to your user and the setting will work from a next login.

The second way is to use roleā€™s specific permissions. It is more complicated but considered as more convenient.

  1. Add a new specific permission to you application. To do this find ā€˜permissions.xmlā€™ - file in you project, and add a new item to it.

 <permission-config xmlns="[url=]">[/url];
        <category id="app">
            <permission id="<b>app.DoUserDefinedAction</b>"></permission>
  1. Restart your tomcat server
  2. Now, a new property is available on the ā€˜Specific permissionsā€™ tab of a role-editor (Administration->Roles).
  3. So, you can check that property for current user in your code, and grant or deny required actions.
    Injection of Security-instance is required.

private Security security;
public void onTestPermissionClick(Component source) {

        if (security.isSpecificPermitted("<b>app.DoUserDefinedAction</b>")){
            showNotification("Buttonclick granted", NotificationType.HUMANIZED);
        else {
            showNotification("ButtonClick prohibited", NotificationType.HUMANIZED);