I would like to enable my customers to fullfill a registration procedure to access a bound domain of my cuba app. For that I have enabled unauthenticated access in web-app.properties and created a plain Screen with @Route(path=“path”, root=true) annotation. Have also set up a NavigationFilter.
the prupose of this page is to gather some bits of data for my admin team to verify and grant some customers with user and password.
Well in the first step of all, I want to gather id, name, mail, phone and a couple of business ids and write a record in the database (as a typical CUBA entity). So far I have been able to set up the page and I am able to browse to that page via a direct link.
The point is that the page only displays the caption of the VBox where the fields are contained and the button to submit the record action.
Even if I inspect the VBox the fields are not there. However when I login with a granted user and then navigate to the page, the fields display correctly.
I highly presume this has to do with permissions. So I enabled the Anonymous role to be able to access the screen, create and edit the entity and its attribute, and edit the controls included in the page. All of it in the Roles page for the anonymous role.
However keep getting empty forms when accessing anonymously and filled form when being logged in.
When accessing with the logged user the filled in data stores correctly in the db aswell.
Any further guidance is greatly appreciated.
Best regards,