AmChart version change

We are using charts in our application. We have downloaded AmChart licensed version and configured it in {project.rootDir}/modules/web/web/VAADIN/resources as per documentation. But the chart still show AmChart link.

Am I missing something?


Since CUBA Platform 6.7 you have to place folder with the new amCharts version to {project.rootDir}/modules/web/web/VAADIN/webjars (see Replacing AmCharts Version).

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Hi, I bought the license and I downloaded the commercial version of the amchart3 library. I followed the procedure to merge the two folders. No problem at this stage.

The problem is that I can not copy the amcharts folder to the specified path. It does not exist **{project.rootDir}/modules/web/web/VAADIN/webjars**. I use CUBA 7.1.

Thank you for your help.

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The mentioned folder must be created manually if it doesn’t exist.


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