After upgrade to Cuba7, error when running Jasperreports

After upgrading my project to Cuba7, running a Jasper report fails with the error cannot be resolved to a type

I found out that the library jasperreports-6.4.1.jar has been updated to jasperreports-6.9.0.jar
Due to that upgrade, there’s apparantly some libraries missing. There’s some information about this issue here: java - JasperReport cannot be resolved to a type - Stack Overflow

As a workaround, I replaced the jasperreports jar with the old version (6.4.1), this error disappeared and the report ran succesfully. However, with other reports I get a new error, so this workaround is not really useful.

Can the missing jars be added to the release, so we can use the newer versions of jasperreports?

After adding jigswaw 2.2.6 library, all reports are running fine again.
Of course I can add this lib to my project, but should it be included by default to avoid these errors?


The problem relates to the breaking changes in the JasperReports library. JasperReports recommends to add a jigswaw library or update jrxml file.

It would not be right to add jigswaw library to a CUBA framework because most likely it will be an unused library.

Thank you.

Absolutely. Here’s the jrxml, I’m interested to hear what should be changed.

IDM_projecturen_maandoverzicht_v00_jrxml.txt (72.0 KB)