Additional Data Store Properties Not Saved

I’m using Cuba 7.2.13 with Intellij 2022.1.1 Ultimate and I have had this issue for a while but now it’s become intolerable.

I use an additional data store that is a live connection to the client (remote) and a local copy for development. This means I switch between the two quite often. However, even though I’m able to connect to either sources, the changes aren’t saved.

In the first image, I change connection parameters to the remote and test. Everything looks good and I save.

In the second image, I open the additional data store again (immediately) and the connection settings have reverted the local parameters.

Previously, I’d just have to repeat these steps 2x and the issue will go away. It just doesn’t work now. The implication is that when I build I often get the additional data store pointing to the local dev database instead of the production.

Any clues or anybody else facing this issue? Same thing happens even when I use Cuba Studio.

Any thoughts on this one? I’m really unable to deploy to production.

My workaround is to edit the core\...\ file directly.