Adding Extended User Details to other views - v7

I have been spinning my wheels on this and I am not quite sure what I am missing.

Following some example projects and using the forum I was able to Extend the Users screen to include some additional information and display that information on the users screen.

The problem I am currently running into is how do I add these extended values to a different view?

I have a table of jobs and I would like to display the requestSubmittedBy extended user details for that job ie department, phone. In the view currently I can see some of the user attributes. I just don’t see the extended user details.

I just can’t seem to bridge the gap between the two.


Request Submitted by has some but not all user details.

Hi @Stephen,
What is the class of the “requestSubmitedBy” field? User or ExtUser?

My bet is that you have mapped it as User, then the new fields added to ExtUser are not available. Change this field to ExtUser and they should appear.


2 Likes - That was it! - Thanks for your help.

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